So..we are at the doctor's office for Dalton's nasty infected toe that he won't leave alone. TMI, I'm sure.. I am calling it a boy thing, but since I only have boys, I really don't know. All I know is that is gross and he WON'T leave it alone. Ok, so here we are at the doctor's office. They have this very nice fish tank in the waiting room that Dalton runs to immediately. During our last visit, we watched as these bright orange fish took turns "kissing" each other. Since I have no idea what kind of fish they are, I don't know if they were actually kissing fish, but they seriously looked as if they were kissing. I found myself interested in seeing if the fish were still kissing, so I watched with Dalton. Besides, it keeps him entertained and not running around the waiting room petting each sick kids head. Those of you who know him and have kids understand what I am saying.
We had been there only a short time, when I noticed one of the fish seemed to be following Dalton. I thought this to be odd since it was my understanding this particular tank was like a 2 way mirror and the fish could not see out, thus making them less subject to heart attacks from kids torturing them through the glass. (I seriously think a nurse had mentioned that one time while I was there) We had also never seen the fish pay attention to people before, so this was a new thing. As we watched, we decided to do some experiments. Dalton weaved up and down and the fish did indeed follow. Dalton thought is was great and kept it up for quite awhile. The fish would not follow hands or fingers, only faces. So there Dalton was with his face near the glass, quite entertained and in one spot! Oh joy!
After some time, I stated out loud to Dalton that I was surprised the fish was doing this b/c I had really thought he wasn't able to see thought the glass. Dalton, really could have cared less about my statement, he was much more interested in making the fish weave and bob while trying to keep up with his face.
It was at this time, that a lady, who was as fascinated as we were with this game of chase, joined in with a theory of her own. I had heard her sounds of surprise from across the room when we noticed the fish following Dalton, but had not said anything to her. She politely stated that she did indeed think the fish could see though the glass. I smiled and nodded in agreement, thinking I had thought wrong about the tank. I mean, I am not an expert on tanks and have only dealt with a few, so whatever..right!!! It was just a cool fish. She then continued with her discussion.
"Have you seen Happy Feet?" she said.
I had.
"Well, you know when they capture the little penguin and he is behind that glass, he starts to dance for the people, so I guess they can see through the glass!"
I tried not to stare at her in disbelief that she was relating reality to a cartoon and I said something like..."Oh yeah! Maybe!" My mind was cranking as I tried to figure out why in the world she used a cartoon as proof. It was just strange to me. Why not just say, yeah, I have seen fish follow fingers ect.
Later, as I relayed the story to Kerry, he just looked at me and said.."Isn't that a cartoon?" Yes is and I have no idea why it was brought up.
So why write this in my blog? Well, don't know really. Maybe I'm the strange one since I was so fascinated with a fish in some tank I know nothing about. Just wanted to share I guess. Think I'll go watch Happy Feet.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Son the Movie Reviewer
Kerry and I just don't get out much to see any of the latest movies, so we are slightly behind the times. We have noticed this even more so during our Sunday morning class as we have been discuss "Seeing God in Pop Culture". I am well versed in the children's movies we have discussed, but several others, I sit and have no clue. This may have been what prompted Kerry to bring home a rental from Kroger this evening. The movie is I am Legend with Will Smith. I am not so sure I will join him b/c I do not do well with "scary" movies, so he may be watching it alone even though I like Will Smith. The idea of the some sort of living, diseased thing chasing me in my dreams is not at all appealing.
Now for the point..Dalton was excited to see Daddy with a movie and was talking about how we could all watch it after Xander went to bed. Kerry told him that he would not be watching the movie with us. Dalton sat there a minute and then flatly stated, "Ok, I will go to bed and you and Mommy can watch the bad, bad movie." Kerry about rolled on the floor. So, there you have it, my son's first movie review for a movie he has never seen. I am Legend is a bad, bad movie. I guess he is getting the point when something inappropriate suddenly comes on TV and we tell him to cover his ears, cover his eyes, or we change the channel suddenly. Oh good..he is learning something!
Now for the point..Dalton was excited to see Daddy with a movie and was talking about how we could all watch it after Xander went to bed. Kerry told him that he would not be watching the movie with us. Dalton sat there a minute and then flatly stated, "Ok, I will go to bed and you and Mommy can watch the bad, bad movie." Kerry about rolled on the floor. So, there you have it, my son's first movie review for a movie he has never seen. I am Legend is a bad, bad movie. I guess he is getting the point when something inappropriate suddenly comes on TV and we tell him to cover his ears, cover his eyes, or we change the channel suddenly. Oh good..he is learning something!
Friday, November 14, 2008
I have FSS.
Yes, it is true. I have FSS. It is a self-diagnosis really. I became knowledgeable about FSS after first moving to League City. Some people we had struck a friendship up with introduced it to us because they also have FSS. A lot of people have this condition I think, but most are great at hiding its symptoms. Do I have you curious yet? Is it deadly you wonder? Only if something falls on me, then maybe. FSS is short for Flat Surface Syndrome. It seems that if there is a flat surface in my home, items seem to find a resting spot there. Some surfaces are several inches to a foot high, especially when it comes to my teaching resources. How does it happen? I can't quite figure it out. No matter what I try, the symptoms seem to reappear in full force. Rolling your eyes yet? It is a humerous situation, but also frustrating. Why do I do it? Kerry does it too, so you can only imagine.
We do not live in complete clutter, don't get me wrong, but you don't want to venture into our offices. My office, which is the former dining room has piles of everything. Projects I want to do, presents for people, resources for planning, scrapbook stuff...the list goes on. Our dear friend Lee had the condition as well. We hardly ever saw his dining room table, which is probably why he felt so at home here. :) Now we have his huge libraries of music, books, and movies. We finally got bookshelves to at least get them off the floor, but now there are bookshelves in EVERYROOM of the house minus the bathrooms, which may come next. lol
I had been working on clearing out when Lee passed away and being his executors left us with a lot of his stuff in which we still are trying to determine what to do with some it. Thus, more irritations to my FSS. I often wonder if there is a tie to ADD b/c I often feel scattered even in a state of organization. I cannot stay focused on cleaning one room...I am all over the house. Same thing with chores. I talk to myself to keep telling me..get the trash, get the trash, get the trash, so that the trash actually gets out the evening before.
I have been to several peoples homes and literally stand in awe as their home looks so neat and tidy. I know they clean before we come and then do the standard.."Oh, excuse the house, it is such a mess." I'm thinking..Liar! :) But seriously, how do they do it. I mean, I don't have anything at my house b/c I don't know where to put my junk and that our house is still unfinished inside. I feel embarrassed by it at times. It would help if I could part with my teaching stuff. That would clear a huge part of the house out, but no way, too much $ invested in it.
I have read tons of suggestions from sites, books, magazines, people and have tried them all: organizers, filing cabinets, bookshelves, labeled boxes, and so on, but we still have a stacks that need dealt with, a new home etc. I guess if we had more time somehow, maybe, but unlikely. I am going to start clearing out and that may help, but it takes 2 and hubby dear likes to hold on to stuff b/c he may need/read/listen to it someday. Wish me luck as I don't think there is a cure for FSS but maybe some relief for its symptoms.
We do not live in complete clutter, don't get me wrong, but you don't want to venture into our offices. My office, which is the former dining room has piles of everything. Projects I want to do, presents for people, resources for planning, scrapbook stuff...the list goes on. Our dear friend Lee had the condition as well. We hardly ever saw his dining room table, which is probably why he felt so at home here. :) Now we have his huge libraries of music, books, and movies. We finally got bookshelves to at least get them off the floor, but now there are bookshelves in EVERYROOM of the house minus the bathrooms, which may come next. lol
I had been working on clearing out when Lee passed away and being his executors left us with a lot of his stuff in which we still are trying to determine what to do with some it. Thus, more irritations to my FSS. I often wonder if there is a tie to ADD b/c I often feel scattered even in a state of organization. I cannot stay focused on cleaning one room...I am all over the house. Same thing with chores. I talk to myself to keep telling me..get the trash, get the trash, get the trash, so that the trash actually gets out the evening before.
I have been to several peoples homes and literally stand in awe as their home looks so neat and tidy. I know they clean before we come and then do the standard.."Oh, excuse the house, it is such a mess." I'm thinking..Liar! :) But seriously, how do they do it. I mean, I don't have anything at my house b/c I don't know where to put my junk and that our house is still unfinished inside. I feel embarrassed by it at times. It would help if I could part with my teaching stuff. That would clear a huge part of the house out, but no way, too much $ invested in it.
I have read tons of suggestions from sites, books, magazines, people and have tried them all: organizers, filing cabinets, bookshelves, labeled boxes, and so on, but we still have a stacks that need dealt with, a new home etc. I guess if we had more time somehow, maybe, but unlikely. I am going to start clearing out and that may help, but it takes 2 and hubby dear likes to hold on to stuff b/c he may need/read/listen to it someday. Wish me luck as I don't think there is a cure for FSS but maybe some relief for its symptoms.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Is layaway just like the style of'll come back around!?
I was listening to the TV this morning as I ran around the house attempting to get a few things done before Xander realized I wasn't holding him (he is sick and wants Mommy) when I heard a news story about layaway. I stopped to watch b/c well...I like layaway. The story stated that Sears was bringing back layaway b/c they have noticed that a recent advertisement from Kmart having layaway has really brought people back to Kmart and to this shopping idea. It was fascinating to me b/c it told how layaway was started during the depression and BEFORE credit cards. Wow I thought, a time before credit cards. Now don't get me wrong....I have a few credit cards myself and use them all the time. My JC Penney card allows me to get awesome coupons if I spend 10.00, I get 10.00 off. I have a talent of spending right around 10.00, so that is a great deal for me..Go Clearance!!! However, we do our best to "slide" responsibly in this house.
Anyway, as I reflected on this story and a time before the almight plastic, the anchor woman stated she never remembered layaway b/c it was "before her time". What!!! How old is that chick..better old am I??? Her partner for the morning show grinned at her and stated that layaway was for individuals of his age to pay off items they wanted to buy. She was fascinated. Poor guy...and I thought she made me feel old. I was stunned when they said it had been 20 years since layaway was around. Not true I thought.
I decided that this thought deserved some facebook time, so presto...I have my status for the day. In doing this, I livened up a few people in conversation. Some of which remember layaway stating they thought several stores still had it and one...who is my younger sister's age (thank you very much) said she knew of several stores that had it. Awesome! I am not as old as I think and sad b/c so many people still don't get layaway. I mean, why should we when we can buy it with plastic and let it chalk up huge interests. Where would the instant gratification be?
Ok, so here is my plan for saving the economy: layaway and couponing. What do you think? It is at least a start!
One friend who wrote on my wall stated that that was how she learned how to save for things she wanted. I am sorry Do people still do that? Not at much as we should I think or we would not be facing a "financial crises" in America.
Anyway, as I reflected on this story and a time before the almight plastic, the anchor woman stated she never remembered layaway b/c it was "before her time". What!!! How old is that chick..better old am I??? Her partner for the morning show grinned at her and stated that layaway was for individuals of his age to pay off items they wanted to buy. She was fascinated. Poor guy...and I thought she made me feel old. I was stunned when they said it had been 20 years since layaway was around. Not true I thought.
I decided that this thought deserved some facebook time, so presto...I have my status for the day. In doing this, I livened up a few people in conversation. Some of which remember layaway stating they thought several stores still had it and one...who is my younger sister's age (thank you very much) said she knew of several stores that had it. Awesome! I am not as old as I think and sad b/c so many people still don't get layaway. I mean, why should we when we can buy it with plastic and let it chalk up huge interests. Where would the instant gratification be?
Ok, so here is my plan for saving the economy: layaway and couponing. What do you think? It is at least a start!
One friend who wrote on my wall stated that that was how she learned how to save for things she wanted. I am sorry Do people still do that? Not at much as we should I think or we would not be facing a "financial crises" in America.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
How quickly they learn...ok, some things.
Have you noticed how quickly kids pick up on things? Last year, Xander was sick and missed his first Halloween. A few days later, I put on his costume to snap a few pictures for my sake mostly. He could have cared less either way, but I felt better. I had high hopes for a healthy Halloween this time around.
This year, I was excited to see what he would do. So, I dressed him up in a doctor suit Dalton wore a few years ago a
nd headed off to Trunk or Treating at Southeast. We spent a few minutes inside before heading out to hit the trunks. At the first car, I ran ahead to snap a picture of Xander's first actual Halloween treating. It took only a moment for him to realize, "Hey, that lady just drop candy in my bag!" He spent the next 5 cars digging furiously in his bag trying to reach the candy until we finally gave him candy to hold. As long as he had his hands on some candy, he was happy. When we hit up a few houses in our neighborhood later in the week, he decided that those people were real cool as he was able to choose special things from some of their bowls. His choices were quite interesting as he chose the the block, aka box of Milk Duds and the ball, otherwise knows as a fudge ball covered in a wrapper that looked like an eye. Later, I had to make a dive toward him as he squashed his "ball" and had fudge all over his hands.
It was amazing how quickly the boys realized the ins and outs of the hunt. Porch light on is good, porch light off is a no go. Say Trick or Treat and thank you, then the lesson they developed on their own..the sprint ahead to the next light screaming, "Mommy, let's get some more candy!"
I have always been amazed at how quickly my boys pick up on things, yet have to be told 5 times to find their shoes, pick up a toy, or to stop beating up your brother. Is there a trick to getting them to pick it all up that fast?!? I wish!
This year, I was excited to see what he would do. So, I dressed him up in a doctor suit Dalton wore a few years ago a

I have always been amazed at how quickly my boys pick up on things, yet have to be told 5 times to find their shoes, pick up a toy, or to stop beating up your brother. Is there a trick to getting them to pick it all up that fast?!? I wish!
The Lee Boys
Well, I have not been on in awhile due to being so busy lately. I have added a few more hobbies..well sort of hobbies, which have started taking up some time until I get more organized. I am now couponing and working part time at Dalton's school, so I am behind in getting information on the blog.
Dalton has started Pre-K at Westminster Christian Academy. He is really enjoying and asks everyday, "Do I get to go see my teacher again?" He really likes it when "Mommy gets to teach the kids", b/c he gets to stay a little later and then I pick him up after 1:00. He is only going till 12:00, which means I still get to have my big boy part of the day. Someday, however, I wish for full day Pre K. :) Mainly those are the days when he won't stop "helping out" with Xander to the point Xander screams when he is looked at. While at school, Dalton is getting Spanish and music as well as getting to play on the playground. (that is a big thrill for him)
Dalton has also started baseball, so you can bet there will be some great stories coming up with that adventure. He is on a baseball team through the YMCA, which should get him some good socialization and help with coordination. His first few games were sort of sluggish. He does pretty well the first inning, but then gets distracted for the last 2. Thank goodness there are only 3. His last game this past Saturday, he really hustled to each base, which is what we have been working on. He favors his left, so we bought him lefty items, but we can't seem to find his batting arm. He will miss and then get a nice hit bringing the bat back to try again. Too bad he can't just bat backwards.
Xander has started the Vine on Tuesday and Thursdays. I will be working while he is there. I think it will be very good for him to be away from mommy. He is becoming Mr. Independent, but still wants to make sure he can see mommy. He loves books, cats, and planes. He'll hear one from inside the house and get totally excited just b/c one is flying over. He loves to go bye, bye and starts squealing with joy when he sees pretty much, birds, bikes on the ceiling in Walmart. We took him to an airshow thinking he would go nuts over airplanes...nothing! Then the next day, a plane flies over as we are getting in the van and he goes nuts. I don't get it.
They are both growing so much and I am still enjoying being able to stay home most days. I feel so busy now with just a part time, 8 hr a week job, that I can't imagine getting anything done if I went back to full time teaching. All those moms that do it all the time must be miracle workers b/c I constantly have a mountain of laundry on the couch to fold.
Dalton has started Pre-K at Westminster Christian Academy. He is really enjoying and asks everyday, "Do I get to go see my teacher again?" He really likes it when "Mommy gets to teach the kids", b/c he gets to stay a little later and then I pick him up after 1:00. He is only going till 12:00, which means I still get to have my big boy part of the day. Someday, however, I wish for full day Pre K. :) Mainly those are the days when he won't stop "helping out" with Xander to the point Xander screams when he is looked at. While at school, Dalton is getting Spanish and music as well as getting to play on the playground. (that is a big thrill for him)
Dalton has also started baseball, so you can bet there will be some great stories coming up with that adventure. He is on a baseball team through the YMCA, which should get him some good socialization and help with coordination. His first few games were sort of sluggish. He does pretty well the first inning, but then gets distracted for the last 2. Thank goodness there are only 3. His last game this past Saturday, he really hustled to each base, which is what we have been working on. He favors his left, so we bought him lefty items, but we can't seem to find his batting arm. He will miss and then get a nice hit bringing the bat back to try again. Too bad he can't just bat backwards.
Xander has started the Vine on Tuesday and Thursdays. I will be working while he is there. I think it will be very good for him to be away from mommy. He is becoming Mr. Independent, but still wants to make sure he can see mommy. He loves books, cats, and planes. He'll hear one from inside the house and get totally excited just b/c one is flying over. He loves to go bye, bye and starts squealing with joy when he sees pretty much, birds, bikes on the ceiling in Walmart. We took him to an airshow thinking he would go nuts over airplanes...nothing! Then the next day, a plane flies over as we are getting in the van and he goes nuts. I don't get it.
They are both growing so much and I am still enjoying being able to stay home most days. I feel so busy now with just a part time, 8 hr a week job, that I can't imagine getting anything done if I went back to full time teaching. All those moms that do it all the time must be miracle workers b/c I constantly have a mountain of laundry on the couch to fold.
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