Anyway, I looked online for invitations etc and finally decided I was going to make my own. So..I did! I must say, I am bragging a bit here. I am not one for creativity or good ideas in such areas, so I am a little proud of this one. Last year I had bought some fireman costumes on clearance figuring the boys could either dress up in them or wear them for Halloween at some point. I actually never dreamed I'd use them for this idea.
I took Xander to the Forest Bend fire station near our church and asked a fireman there if I could take Xander's picture in front of the truck. He said sure. I changed Xander into the costume and the gentleman met us in the driveway, grinning at Xander and his slightly over sized fireman's suit. He then asked me if I wanted him to move the truck out. I told him that that was not necessary, that one little pic was all I needed and we'd be out of the way. Fireman Juan, as we later learned, insisted on moving the truck out. They boys were thrilled. (Dalton was along for the ride.)
We spent a few minutes taking pictures and crawling through the truck, when Fireman Juan told me he was going to see if he had some stickers. I thought that was very sweet and I took pictures of Dalton in the fire gear as we waited. Fireman Juan was unable to find some stickers, so instead, he brought the boys each a water bottle and quite a large stuffed animal, which was a huge hit. I was just blown away b/c I was so nervous about bothering the department just by asking and here this man goes out of his way to completely thrill my kids. It turned out to be a fun trip, resulting in what I think is a cute invitation. One of my friends has already asked if she can steal the idea...which made me feel even better. So... here it is, one of my pride 'n joys in another little creation I am proud of .
Yep...thinking I may have to use this idea again sometime. Don't be surprised to see Dalton in a costume of some sort come June! :) Oh joy, another picture of one of the Lee kids.
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