Today was Dalton's preschool graduation from Ross. He spent the last 5 weeks attending a special class to work on some social skills and speech. He only went on M,W,F b/c of I did not want him to be taken out of The Vine class he was in.
His first day at the school was a field trip in which he got to ride the bus. When I picked him up, he kept telling me to go home b/c he was supposed to ride the bus. Anyway, even though he was there a short time, he was given the privilege to graduate. Kerry, Xander, and I all attended. It was very simple with a small reception afterwards, but Dalton loved it. He is not quite understanding the aspect of summer and keeps asking when he gets to go back to preschool. He is still asking about the brown preschool, which is the school he will attend next year.
After I picked him up from school, we spent the day with our neighbor Janice and her grandsons. They had a blast in her backyard and playroom. Xander found a slide he could maneuver well so he went over and over hollering "Weee" each time. I left my camera at the house, so I missed out on the pictures. I forgot about my phone. While we were there, Dalton ended up locked in the dog kennel somehow and could not get out. I think he had some help from his friend Ethan. It was pretty funny. I snapped a few pics with my phone, but haven't figured out how to deal with those yet.
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