The boys and I traveled to Orange, Texas on Tuesday. We were taking Dalton to stay part of the week. Xander and I came home the next day. While we were there we went to a real neat water park at Port Neches. It has a bunch of water spraying items and is free! That is the

He did haunt some of the people at the park though. It seems that if he sees someone with food, he thinks if he hangs around, smacks his lips saying num, num, they will feed him. It actually worked a few times even with me running interference.
Mom called me today saying she and Dalton went back to the water park and to tell me that Dalton got it with a big bucket. It seems that this bucket fills with water. Once it starts getting full, little signs like weep holes and the water guns start shooting. Dalton was playing with a water gun and ended up getting dumped on. Mom was watching of course and wasn't about to give him any warning as to ruin her fun. He came running over to her saying "I got wet!" My statement would have been, well no duh, your running around in water! He avoided that area with the surprise showers from then on.
Here is Xander being surprised by some sudden showers. Sorry for the side view. I keep forgetting to put the camera right.
After Grandad got off work, we stopped by a place to let Dalton pick out his bday gift from them. The place was closed, but Xander didn't min. He noticed the riding lawnmowers and 4 wheelers and went nuts! He squeals with excitement at things and it is hilarious. I even have video of that, but will save that for later. I'm already addicted enough to showing off the kids with this blog thing.