We have been staying busy. Kerry has been working and doing a lot of running, which is what I call his new mistress. As a family, we are also trying hard to support Kerry in his running. We attend all his races and cheer him on
Dalton is attending Kindergarten and after a rough few weeks, things have leveled off some for him. He still has trouble keeping his hands to himself at school, but at least he is getting out of the car without a screaming fit. He does a pretty go
Xander is growing like crazy and talking all the time. He loves to sing and try to be like his big brother, which at times is not so great. It would be much nicer if he'd pick up the better behaved qualities of his older sibling. He is quite the momma's boy most of the time, though he has learned to use daddy as an excuse to stay up just a little bit longer. After I get him in bed, says our prayers, and sing a song, he decides he needs a daddy song too. Pretty smart if you ask me.
I am staying home and chasing kids mostly. I have picked up the hobby of couponing and really enjoy getting a good deal. It is kind of addicting when you can get such great deals. I stock pile some things for donating to our church pantry at later dates, so I feel it is something good to do. I am sure I drive my friends crazy with all my emails about good deals and such. So far, no one has begged me to stop. I think they just roll their eyes and delete. Doesn't bother me...I'll never know. :)
Kerry and I did take a short trip to Cozumel in September for a scuba diving trip with some friends. My mom was gracious enough to watch the boys for us. Kerry had been taking classes to be certified, so this was an exciting trip and especially since I got to just hang out on the beach while e
We keep chugging along here and will be attending more races the next few months as well as some Christmas programs and other school events, so maybe I can throw a few more interesting tid bits on here later.