Kerry has been running in some 5Ks runs starting with the Brad Wims Fun Run. He was very proud to run for Brad and even place 2nd for his age group. That run kicked of several more runs in the following month. A couple of weeks ago, I was told about Dublin, Tx and how they still bottle the original Dr. Pepper using Imperial Sugar instead of syrups. I looked it up and notice there was a run coming up. Kerry seemed interested because not only would he get to run, but I would also get to celebrate my favorite drink. AAaaaahhhh, Dr. Pepper. sweet it is.
So, we were off to Dublin, Tx this past weekend and Kerry had decided to run the 10K. It was the Dr. Pepper Bottling plant's 118th bday. Dr. Pepper, Tx, as they call it one day a year, were having a 2, 4, and 10 K in honor of a past advertisement of when to drink Dr. Pepper. 2, 4, and 10, which also had something to do with blood sugar level dropping or something. I was wrestling a 2 year old, so I missed that part. They were also having games, activities, a bike ride, free cake, and the best of all...all the free Dublin Dr. Pepper you could drink. Other than it being about 100 was Heaven for me.
Anyway, the trip up was pretty good. We did get caught by a broken train crossing and after trying to find our way around it, found our way around just in time for the arms to come up. Oh well..that is just how our life goes. We stayed the night in Stephenville, did some driving around that night investigating Dublin, swimming, and just relaxing before Kerry's big run.
The next morning, off we go to Dublin. It was very hot! I did not even run a race and I was sweating like crazy. Kerry ran his race and did quite well. He finished 12th all round and 2nd in his age group. The awards were a bit odd however. As you ran across the line, they asked you if you had run the 10 K. (4k and 10k started at the same time, so some of the faster 10kers caught some of the leisurely 4kers). Anyway, if you said yes, they handed you a medal. Ok..worked for me. They did not have medals for winners like most races we have been to. Top 3 finishers in male, female, and masters received a small cash reward, a huge DP bottle cap that Kerry thought was a chip bowl, and bottled DP. Kerry, as an age group winner received some canned DP. Hey, I was thrilled with that.
We spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon doing tours through the bottling plant and DP museum, purchasing cases of DP, cashing in on free cups of cold DP, and finding some one to unlock our keys out of our van. Yes, you read right. Just so you know, it was not me. Kerry grabbed the wrong keys after returning my "large clump of keys" to the van so we did not have to deal with mine. It was actually quite humorous. I had just emptied the cash out of Kerry's wallet not long before that b/c they were not taking credit cards and I wanted to make sure I had enough money should I find something to get. So, while the boys and I waited in line for one of the tours, Kerry had a guy come unlock the van. While waiting, I thought to myself..hmmm..I don't think Kerry knows where his wallet is b/c I hid it. Well, if he finds it, he doesn't have any cash b/c I took it. Uh, oh... Luckily, the guy took credit cards and Kerry made it back just in time to stand in front of the nice cool fan before going into the tour. Even though it took longer for the guy to run our card then it did to unlock the door.
As I said was soooo hot. Xander was sweating like crazy and at one point during the day I gave him a sip of my DP. Now you must understand, Xander has never had actual cola anything! I am not a health nut, I just don't think they need it b/c I know that I am completely addicted, so why start them that young. :) Well...I did not get my cup back after that and when we went into the bottling plant, they gave everyone a free bottle of DP. Xander was so excited. I told him to be careful b/c it was glass and he held onto that thing for dear life. Not sure if it was b/c I told him it was glass or b/c he thought I would take away his DP. He loved the stuff, but later called it apple juice. Dalton however...took one sip and asked for water instead.
So a fun time was had by all and we hope to do it again next year..but hopefully, it will be cooler.
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