Sunday, April 5, 2009

For your eyes only

As a mother of 2 children, much less boys, I have zero privacy. I dream of the day that one of my boys is not right there to hand me toilet paper or offer to flush the toilet for me. It amazes me how they can both be completely involved in playing cars or something until I try to take a bathroom break then I suddenly have 2 tag-a-longs.
Since Dalton is getting older, I have decided it is important that I get more forceful about him allowing mommy privacy as well as being more modest himself. These conversations are quite interesting and usually end if me just finally saying something like, "Mommy is a big girl and can get dressed by herself." I have not had much luck, so last week, I told Dalton that he no longer needed be in the same room with mommy during those times and definately did not need to look at me. A simple "alright" was all I got.
Some time later, Dalton was sitting on my bed, reading a book while I was getting ready for bed in my bathroom. I had forgot my gown, so I walked into the "privacy" of my room, not even remembering him being on the bed, to get my gown. After all, it is my room. I turn around after getting my gown to see Dalton sitting on my bed with his hand over his eyes. It just looked so funny him sitting there trying to give me privacy. It cracked me up.
I guess the lesson is sinking in some. Now if I can just get him to understand that when I asked him to get dressed and he brings his clothes to where I am, that just b/c he covers his private parts with his hand as he tries to put on underwear, that does not mean is being modest. The concept of changing in privacy is still trying to sink in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's too funny. I have the same problem. I made Kaden stop coming in my room when he told Amy Bond that looking at a naked Barbie made him feel funny. Boys are so fun! They are little men after all...