Monday, May 4, 2009

Spare the rod? I was spanked as a child. I think I turned out just fine! I mean..I was not afraid of my parents. I never felt abused in the literal sense. I am sure in my own immature mind, I thought I was heavily "abused" if I did not get my way, but physically or emotionally..never! However, I knew that if I crossed the line, swats were coming. I also knew that swats at school meant swats at home, so I knew not to cross lines there too. It is either Jeff Foxworthy or Bill Engvall that says in one of his acts that there is nothing like the sound of a belt clearing belt loops. Let me tell you..he is sooo right! I would hear that and I was instant angel. I think that is a talent that not many can pull off these days.

I have noticed several articles about spanking in the last few months. One article I read stated that children who were spanked were far more likely to participate in violent, sexual deviant behavior as teens and adults. Hmmm...must have not yet reached that stage of my life! In my own experiences, it seems that with a pendulum swing in the direction of no spankings, we are seeing more discipline struggles now! I have also noticed a decline in school behavior. Schools are struggling with all sorts of disruptive behavior. Students are not concerned over any consequence it seems. I wonder if there could possibly be a connection!!?!?!

As a teacher, I would honestly have been devastated if I had had to spank one of my students. That issue usually became the job of the administrators. When I first started teaching, however, I had been having trouble with a class. I looked around the room and in sheer frustration asked, "How many of you get spankings at home?" Three kids raised their hands. A point to notice is that they were the most respectful, honest, well behaved and successful kids in my class. Hmmm, I thought. While grades are not always tied to butt bustings at home, behavior at school usually is. Not all children need spanking as a discipline. Some kids may react to a simple stern look, others need a more obvious approach. As a child, if you told me you were upset with me, I was devastated. My sister on the other hand needed more convincing. That is why I have found this Newsweek article so interesting. I think this principal may have something. He does not take the paddling he gives lightly, but notice the change in the school. The kids are not afraid of him, but they are afraid of his paddle. I also love the fact that he does not take the swats he gives likely.

Maybe I am wrong, but has there really ever been any research done to prove any of what they say spankings cause? I just know what I see. There are just too many functioning adults in society that were spank as children to convince me that spanking is wrong. However, I am seeing an increase in school issues as well as societal issues now that spanking is not the thing. Don't want to spank your child..fine!!! However, do not tell me that people who spank their children are abusive and raising complete heathens, unless you are going to change the definition of heathen and maybe define me and my husband as the new definitions because we were both spanked as children.


Kevin & Tiffany Daniels said...

I think you are right on. Out of our four children, spanking has not been the best form of discipline for all of them. However, the demon that seems to possess my devient child goes away when one of them is spanked. It is the ONLY form of discipline that works for her. People need to realize that time outs don't work for everyone. I wish they did.
God dealt differently with His children in the Bible, depending on their personality. He made some blind, some go inside a big fish, some were banished from Eden... The punishments always worked in each instance. He also tells us we must discipline our children. We have to answer to God about how we parented our children. I am much more fearful of answering to Him than judgemental people. I am glad you blogged about this.

kamilile said...

I also agree! As you know I was spanked as a child! All children are different of course. With Mayci a stern look is just as bad as a firm swat, but with Kyli she needs a paddling to get it through her head. Now with Michael and Kash being seperated from the action is usually the best. As with all that works well though, the punishment must fit the crime! Good for you on blogging about this issue! As the disipline rate goes down so does the moral of the general public!!