Both of the boys had rodeo days at their schools and were ecstatic about getting to wear boots. Dalton has enjoyed dressing up like a cowboy for Halloween and several rodeo days and Xander has decided that he wants to be like big brother. Dalton had outgrown his boots, so o

ut we went to find some that would fit. He was so excited and kept strutting around the shoe store saying, "I like these. These fit great Mommy!" Xander kept a close eye probably wondering when it would be his turn. He ended up getting regular old tennis shoes, but he was thrilled with that.
I had forg

otten about Xander's cowboy day and dug into Dalton's old boots for a pair to fit Xander. No luck, so off I went on one more shopping adventure. The next morning, it took Xander a little while to figure out how to walk in them, but he was so excited and kept saying, "Boots, boots, boots" as he walked around.
The day before, I had found small 24 inch stick horses at the Dollar Store. Two year olds with regular stick horses can get quite deadly so I decided to get some for the class. Xander did not get his till class the next day. His teachers must have given great riding lessons because as soon as we got out of the van, he grabbed it and took off riding. He was so cute stuck it between his legs and started running around. He even pretended to feed the horse on nice, fresh...carpet!
On Sunday, both boys came running into the kitchen asking if they could wear their boots, so off we went with two little cowboys. After we got home, I looked out of the kitchen to see both boys, still in their boots, enjoying the sit and spin. Even better is they were getting along!
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