Sunday, March 8, 2009

Agree to disagree

So...we get in the car to go pick up the boys from my parents after church and Kerry mentions to me that I had once again told a story that was totally incorrect. It seems that I was not there for the story, but I ALWAYS tell it like I was. The thing is...I disagree!

Years ago, before kids, Kerry and I lived in Lubbock in a small 900 sq foot house with no central air. We had a window unit in the living room and that was it. One day, Kerry decides to clean the unit. He says he remembers me not being there b/c the window unit was very heavy and he had to carry it himself. Anyway, somehow during this time, our cat Shadow had jumped into the window where the brace for the unit was. Kerry did not see him and when he put the unit back, he evidently shoved the poor cat out the window. Now, what you must understand is our cats have never been outside and we lived on a busy road. So, here is this already very skittish cat on our front porch, lots of cars going by, and no one knows.

This is where the story gets mixed up. He says, he heard this loud screeching cry, opens up the back door to see a very scared, wild eyed Shadow (that closely resembled gremlin eyes) come zipping into the house. I was at work and because he is such a good story teller I believe I was the one who found the cat. Umm, yeah ok.

That is not what I remember. I do vaguely remember him working on the unit. In my mind, I can even see myself walking into the living room and seeing the open window. Later, I hear this horrible cry from our back porch. I open the door and this wild black cat tries to run into my kitchen. I shut the door quickly thinking what in the world is that cat trying to do. I then think, oh my where is Shadow. I run quickly around the very small house calling for our cat and then dash to the door to let our cat in. How he got from the front to the back I don't know, but he was absolutely terrified. I can seriously see this cat freaking out on my back porch in my mind. which story is true? We gingerly argued back and forth on the story until I finally said.."Fine, we will just have to agree to disagree b/c I really can see this in my mind." I remember it... Well, that was not going to work. It seems, according to Kerry, that you cannot agree to disagree on..well..facts! Only opinions. However, if we cannot decide which story is fact, then would we not have an opinion? Thus I agree to disagree. I have made up my mind. I was there to at least let the cat in, so there! Until he can prove otherwise, then I guess my idea works.


Unknown said...

That's too funny. Its amazing what we can argue about after many years of marriage. You are not alone, sister!

klee said...

First thanks to Dr. Dose for finding this story and reporting it to me right away.

Second, She-was-not-there! Believe it or not I have the better memory.....And I guess I am an awesome story teller (thanks for noticing Sweetie).

Facts are like math....there is a correct answer and you can't agree to disagree on them. Clearly one of us is wrong.......and you know what, I'm wrong often enough, without my rights being turned into wrongs as well.

Sweetie, I love you even when you're wrong and tell mythical stories, but if you keep telling this one like you were there I'm calling you on the carpet.

Seriously, this was a "fun" argument. But she really wasn't there....