I had been dreading this trip for awhile for several reasons, one is because Xander does not travel well. He can handle about 2 hours and that is it. The screams begin. He actually did quite well this time much to my relief. We left after lunch on Thursday and made it into Bowie, stayed the night there and headed to Fritch the next day. There were no major melt downs that occurred so now I may be the grumpiest one in the car from now on. I do not like to travel either. The second reason is family drama. Most families have them and my family is not void of its own little issues. For the most part, we survived. The drama was kept to a minimum.
The trip brought a few interesting events I thought I might share. One of which was when we decided to go swimming at the hotel pool in Borger. The water was freezing in this indoor pool, so I just hung out in the hot tub as the boys stuck their feet in and splashed each other all around the tub. Dalton was the only one who got in...well sort of. Long story short, I had turned away from Xander (his Uncle Coby was beside him) to play with Lucas when I hear my mother screaming, "Get him, get him, get him." Sure enough I turn around to see NO Xander. My heart is gone at that point. Coby had turned on the tub just a few moments before that, so we could no longer see anything on the bottom. I begin my scooping motion thinking surely I will find something when I see a leg pop out of the water. Coby grabs Xander up by the leg, yanks him out, and stands him up. Xander looks at the hot tub, spits out some water, then pats his swim trunks and hair and says, "I wet". That was it..no tears, no fear, just he was now wet and wanted to splash some more. I however had to get my heart to slow down before I could fully function.
The boys had us rolling several times on the trip. My mom has decided I really need to write them down after they occur b/c I can't remember all the things the boys do or say that make us laugh when I want to. Especially Dalton. With his improved speech has come some quite interesting comments. The last night we were in town, we went to a resteruant with the entire family. It was taking forever! They had run out of food after we go there and locked up early, but promised us they had enough for us. I think they had to kill the cows and grow the veggies, b/c it took way too long. Anyway, during all this time, we chatted, laughed at Xander trying to make my brother and I exchange accessories (hats, necklaces etc) and just enjoyed each other's company. The young waitress came up at one point to check on us. She asked us if things were ok and if we needed anything. We said no and she begain to walk away when Dalton, looking quite shocked at our response flat out said, "Yeah....I need food!" It was quite hilarious. He must have thought we were all nuts to not need anything else. He mentioned it a few more times as time went on until finally it showed up. Poor kid!
We made it back safely in one day with Xander still in good spirits. The only problem with coming back in one day is Kerry did not quite get all the stuff he wanted to get done. He tried though. I had a nice mountain of laundry to fold when I got back. Ok..so he cleaned other things too. He was quite proud of his work on the den.
As a little extra show, I'll include this video. My sister enjoyed playing with the boys and teaching them how to jam. Mom has Sirius radio, so we enjoyed some classics. I like 50's and 60's so we kept it there most of the trip until Dalton wanted some bible songs.